Tips for moving in with your Significant Other

Posted by Sarah Allen on April 27, 2020
It can be thrilling to move in with your significant other. Sharing your home with someone is after all one of the most relaxing and intimate things that a person can do. Yet the inevitable reality of sharing a room is the need for compromise. We asked a Banana Home employee, Brianna for some advice about how she's handling the challenge of sharing a house with her loved one.
Be open to unexpected inspiration.
When we first asked Brianna where she was influenced by her beautiful, beachy apartment, we were shocked to hear her say that the aesthetic came mainly from her boyfriend.
"In fact, when it comes to interior design, he's the one with the aesthetic eye, " explains Brianna." Some people think that I had to ask my boyfriend to paint the main living room wall pink. It was quite the opposite, his idea!"
What did we take away from this? When merging homes with a significant other it is important to keep an open mind. You may have your own design and styling ideas, but if you are open to the suggestions of your SO, you may end up with a room that is much better than you had expected. And you can both take pride in your finished place, by being a joint decision.
Be prepared for some personal reflection.
"The way I was going to open myself up to their flaws was something I always worried about before moving in with someone. But it really opened me up to my own flaws, Brianna shares. If you live alone you don't know all the bad stuff you're doing, or even parts of your life you're definitely supposed to change."
We've all got our little quirks and unique ways to do stuff. The lesson here is to remember that your way isn't the only way, so be willing to make small adjustments to the lifestyle. It will make you and your significant other all the more at ease. And this tip of course goes both ways. Things can be harmonious only when both parties are able to adapt and change their behavior. Just don't stress the small stuff!
Find your balance.
Brianna's main concern when decorating her apartment together was simply "to provide an equal balance between masculinity and femininity." Living with your SO comes down to a compromise. Be up-to-date on what you think the balance should be — cluttered to minimal, neutral to vibrant, whatever you feel is important — and make sure that you and your significant other agree on it before too much decorating and planning get underway.
Living with someone else, even someone that you love, is a process. A game of endless give-and-take. But having those tips in mind and moving in together can be a very fun experience!